
Use of English 1 (comparisons)

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  • Choose the word in each sentence that is not needed. 1. I have a younger sister, but she's more taller than me.
  • Choose the word in each sentence that is not needed. 5. The too earlier we get there, the easier it'll be to find seats.
  • Choose the word in each sentence that is not needed. 4. You're a so far better runner than I am.
  • Choose the word in each sentence that is not needed. 2. The third film in the series wasn't as good as than the first two
  • Choose the word in each sentence that is not needed. 8. The book got more and much more complicated as the story went on.
  • Choose the word in each sentence that is not needed. 7. Of all the concerts we've ever done, we played most worst last night.
  • Choose the word in each sentence that is not needed. 9. Only the most of skilful players get selected for the first team.
  • Choose the word in each sentence that is not needed. 6. I am not as old enough to ride a scooter.
  • Choose the word in each sentence that is not needed. 3. I can't eat this curry. It's too much hot!