
Your opinion matters! Photography and Art

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  • The best photographs are those that capture spontaneous moments rather than staged scenes.
  • The best photographers are those who push the boundaries of traditional techniques and experiment with new forms of expression.
  • Black and white photography is more powerful and evocative than color photography.
  • Photography should prioritize authenticity over aesthetics; imperfections make a photo more relatable and genuine.
  • The rise of social media platforms has democratized photography, allowing anyone to become an 'artist' regardless of skill level.
  • Photography is not art; it's merely a mechanical reproduction of reality.
  • Editing and manipulation have become so prevalent in photography that it's hard to trust how real any image is
  • True artistry in photography lies in the technical mastery of the craft rather than the subject matter.
  • Street photography often crosses ethical boundaries by capturing candid moments without the subject's consent.
  • Art should always serve a purpose or convey a message; otherwise, it's just decoration.
  • The proliferation of smartphone photography has cheapened the art form, flooding the world with mediocre images.
  • Photography has made us more disconnected from reality, as we experience life through the lens of a camera or smartphone.