
Why Did the Boy Eat His Homework?

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  • What subject is the easiest for witches?
  • There were three girls walking to school. They had 1 umbrella to share. How did they not get wet?
    It wasn't raining.
  • Despite my name, I am not a queen. When you hold me up to things, their length is seen. What am I?
    A ruler
  • What is a math teacher’s favorite dessert?
  • What animal cheats on its tests?
    A cheetah
  • I have a back and legs but I don’t have hair. You sit on me, which makes me a _ _ _ _ _
  • When you come to school on Monday, you find out that class has been delayed. Your class will be three days after the day before the day after tomorrow. What day is your class?
  • Why was the math book sad on the first day of school?
    Because it had so many problems.
  • What's a snake's favorite class at school?
  • Sometimes you use me at school I am not a clock I am something that beats paper But I am beaten by rock. What am I?
  • Where do students in New York City learn multiplication?
    In Times Square
  • Why didn’t the bear go to university?
    It only learned the bear necessities.
  • What room at school has the most stories?
    The library
  • How to bees go to school?
    By a school buzz
  • Why did the teacher wear sunglasses in the classroom?
    Because her students were so bright!
  • Why was the teacher angry at the student for something he didn’t do?
    Because he didn’t do his homework
  • What is white when it's dirty and black when it's clean?
    A blackboard
  • You will always find me in the past, I can be created in the present but the future will never change me. What am I?
  • What animal lives in a school?
  • What is a cow’s favorite day at school?
    When it goes on a field trip
  • Why did the bat miss the school bus?
    Because it hung around too long.
  • What school does ice cream go to?
    Sundae school
  • Why did the student eat his homework with a fork?
    His teacher said it was a piece of cake
  • What do you need to go to high school?
    A ladder