
Mind Flow 4 - Revision PC 2

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  • John has stopped ____________ for 10 years now.
    to smoke
  • This watch was given _____ me by my dad.
  • Mark won several gifts. He is ______________ for kids in need.
    running out of
    giving away
    paying them back
    giving them away
  • I inherited my jewellery box from my grandma.
    The jewellery box were grandma's.
    The jewellery box was handed down to me by my grandma.
    The jewellery box handed down me by my grandma.
    The jewellery box was handed down my grandma.
  • Mary: "I'm with a splitting headache".
    Mary said she was with a splitting headache.
    Mary told she was with a splitting headache.
    Mary was with a headache.
    Mary said me she was with a splitting headache.
  • My brother is a really great person and we never fight.
    My bother is such a great person that we never fight.
    My bother is a great person to fight.
    My bother is a such great person that we never fight.
    My bother is a so person that we never fight.
  • My mom can't _____________ shopping every week.
    went without
    put aside
    go without
    run out of
  • She completely forgot ___________ the groceries for me.
    to pick
    pick up
    picking up
    to pick up
  • I vividly remember ____________ her face when I told her the truth.
    to see
  • You can't turn a blind eye _____ this situation.
  • We didn't go to the beach because it was raining.
    We didn't go to the beach in rain.
    We didn't go to the beach because rain.
    We didn't go to the beach due to it was raining.
    We didn't go to the beach due to the rain.
  • Why did you buy that jacket? It was so expensive!
    You shouldn't bought that jacket.
    You bought that jacket.
    You shouldn't have bought that jacket.
    You should have bought that jacket.
  • My children really enjoy _______________ chess.
    to playing
    to play
  • I couldn't go to the party because I argued with my sister.
    I couldn't go to the party due the argument.
    I couldn't go to the party because argued.
    I couldn't go to the party because argument.
    I couldn't go to the party owing to the argument.
  • You must let your hair _______ or you'll never feel good about yourself.
  • When you start working you are not very well-paid.
    When you start working you have to work.
    When you start working you have to work peanuts.
    When you start working you get a lot of money.
    When you start working you have to work for peanuts.
  • Parents must take their kids to school.
    Parents are forced to take their kids to school.
    Parents take their kids to school.
    Parents are supposed to take their kids to school.
    Parents are expected to take their kids to school.
  • Silvio Santos loves playing pranks _____ people.
  • At my school they are really strict ________ students' uniforms.
  • I can't stand ___________ to that man, he's so annoying.
    was talking
    to talk
  • Someone hit my car and I'm not willing to ___________ that.
    fork out for
    for god's sake
    fork into
    forking out
  • When I have too many things to do, I ask for my friend's help.
    When I have a plate, I ask for my friend's help.
    When I have a lot on my plate, ask for my friend's help.
    When I have a lot on plate, I ask for my friend's help.
    When I have a lot on my plate, I ask for my friend's help.
  • Sophie: "Having a cat is an awesome idea! They're so cute!
    Sophie didn't say having a cat is an awesome idea.
    Sophie said having a cat is an awesome idea.
    Sophie told having a cat is an awesome idea!
    Sophie is having a cat is an awesome idea.
  • My parents always ____________ because they want to buy a new house.
    put money in
    put aside money
    put as money
    put money aside
  • Don't you ever ________! You're going on the right path!
    give out
    give up
    give down
    give in
  • Carol avoids ____________ whenever she can, she says it's too time consuming.
    is cooking
    to cook
  • I installed cameras around my house so no burglars will try to ___________ my house.
    break in
    break free
    break into
    break out
  • Young adults need to live with their parents because they can't stand _____ their own two feet.
  • You'll manage ___________ all your homework on time, don't worry!
    to do
    have done
  • Ilan is such a spender, he's already ___________.
    fork out for money
    run of money out
    ran out of money
    run out of money
  • My friend has borrowed some money from me and he hasn't _____________ yet.
    paid me back
    paid back for
    paid back me
    payd me back
  • My girlfriend wants ____________ abroad with me, but I'm always broke!
    to travel
  • That thief really knew how to ______________ his crime.
    give away with
    get away with
    cut back on
    pay back