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  • What style type is this?
  • What style type is this?
  • What style type is this?
    Sans Serif
  • What style type is this?
  • What style type is this?
  • Which type choice would be most appropriate for a sports team? (Top, Middle or Bottom) Justify your answer
    Top - Bold display style type is strong and competitive.
  • What style type is this?
  • What style type is this?
    Sans Serif
  • What style type is this?
  • Which type choice would be most appropriate for a bank? (Top, Middle or Bottom) Justify your answer
    Middle - Serif style fonts are traditional and create a sense of trust and security.
  • Which type choice would be most appropriate for a day care center? (Top, Middle or Bottom) Justify your answer
    Top - Type is youthful, fun & playful. Other options are intense or old fashioned.
  • What style type is this?
    Serif (Slab Serif)
  • Which type choice would be most appropriate for a lakeside resort? (Top, Middle or Bottom) Justify your answer
    Middle - Other options are too bold, loud & impactful. Middle option has breathing room and is calming.
  • What style type is this?
  • Which type choice would be most appropriate for a hospital? (Top, Middle or Bottom) Justify your answer
    Bottom - Other options are too loose and casual. Bottom option is modern, clean and trustworthy.
  • Which type choice would be most appropriate for a video game arcade? (Top, Middle or Bottom) Justify your answer
    Middle - Pixelated display style type is similar to style of art seen in some arcade games
  • Which type choice would be most appropriate for a new cutting edge technology company? (Top, Middle or Bottom) Justify your answer
    Top - Sans Serif type is clean & modern