
Southern Colonies Quiz

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  • Why were there so many slaves and servants in the south?
    Colonists needed the slaves and indentured servants to work on the huge plantations in order to keep up with the hard labor.
  • Which colony is #1?
  • How did cash crops help to sustain the economy in the south?
    They were able to trade, export, and sell these crops throughout the colonies and Europe.
  • Describe the daily life of a slave in the South.
    They were treated cruelly and had to work the entire day on huge plantations. They were forced to live in small huts, separated from families, and could be sold
  • Describe the summer and winter climate in the South.
    Summers were hot and humid with lots of rainfall. Winters were mild.
  • How did children get their education?
    Most children were tutored at home while wealthy families sent their children to schools in England.
  • Which colony is #2?
  • Which colony is #4?
    South Carolina
  • How was life in the Southern Colonies different from all of the other colonies? Be specific! You should provide at least two major details.
    The climate was warm & humid. They had rolling hills and fertile soil. They used the land for agriculture (farming) instead of building cities.
  • True or False: Most of the people who lived in the Southern Colonies were slaves.
  • What were some of the cash crops that were grown in the South? (You must have at least 3!)
    tobacco, cotton, rice, sugar, indigo
  • Which colony is #3?
    North Carolina
  • Which colony is #5?
  • True or False: People in the south believed everyone should be treated fairly. Explain.
    False. In fact, most slaves were "owned" by their masters and were never given a chance at freedom.
  • What is a natural resource that is found in the South and how was it used?
    Lumber: used to build houses & other buildings on plantations Fertile Soil: used for farming Rivers & Waterways: used for fishing, traveling, and trading
  • True or False: Shipbuilding was important to the economy of the southern colonies.
    False. Life in the South mostly focused on farming and raising crops.