
Future 1( story revision & vocabulary)

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  • Why was Hamish such an overprotective father?
  • What are the other two synonyms of "tamper with"?
    monkey with and meddle with
  • What happens to you if you "lose you bearings"?
    You get lost, confused or disorientated
  • How was Mercy killed?
  • What is the difference between viewers, spectators and an audience?
  • Describe the meaning of " flight or fight response"
  • Explain the expression "have an adverse effect"
    harmful, not favourable
  • what happened while she was being led to the jail?
    The CTV vehicle was attacked.
  • What does "on the cutting edge" mean?
    highly advanced, innovative
  • Who was Hamish Davies?
    Tory's father and CEO of Utopix
  • What were the three most influential corporations and what did they produce?
    Sano Corps ( the medical company); Guardian ( security); Utopix ( nutritablets)
  • Who was Sandra Cole?
    The CEO of Guardian
  • What kind of agreement did Hamish and Sandra have?
  • What were iCaps?
    Translucent eye patches used for communicating, sending messages and searching for information in the Source
  • What does "fight the urge" mean?
    Trying not to do what you feel like doing?
  • What will humans have to get used to in the future?
  • What were the most common crimes?
    muggings, corporate spying and kidnapping
  • How did Tory defend herself after being arrested?
    She claimed she was innocent and that the proofs must have been meddled with.
  • What are three technological gadgets used in Tory's world?
    iCaps, mini drones, restraints
  • How did Tory's fans react to what was happening?
    They were getting worked up, they felt furious
  • What was the Big Boss House?
    All the political candidates had to enter this place to be in the public eye so that the voter could see their unedited behaviour
  • What does "predicament" mean?
    a difficult situation
  • Describe the meaning of "tamper-proof" and come up with at least three examples
    resistant to interference
  • What was necessary to clone humans successfuly?
    3 donors
  • What could have happened to Tory's friend, Aidan?
  • What do you have to informed of while being arrested?
    your right to remain silent...
  • How did Tory's story start?
    Got arrested and accused of killing two people
  • Who's the main protagonist about story?
    Tory, a young politician and a potential candidate for the prime minister
  • Why was life in the Green Zone almost unbearable?
    Ongoing fight for space and resources, it was overcrowded
  • Which three zones was the world in 2116 divided into?
    Red Zone, Blue Zone and Green Zone