
Name Three for Valentine's Day

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  • 1 person to dance and 1 person say no (nice)
    No thank you
  • Pretend to ask a person to dance.
    You dance?
  • Name three other holidays where we give people candy.
    If you said Halloween, Easter and Christmas, you were right!
  • Name three people you give a Valentine's card to.
    Thank You!
  • 1 person photographer, 2 person photo booth 2 poses
    :).  :P
  • 1 person photographer, 1 person photo booth 2 poses
    :).  :P
  • Name three conversation heart phrases.
    Be Mine, Hug Me, Sweet Heart, True Love...
  • Name three things that are red.
    Good thinking!
  • Pretend to give a Valentine's Day gift
    Happy Valentine's Day
  • Pretend invite friend to game at the Valentine's day party.
    Want game?
  • 1 person asks you to dance and 1 person you say NO (mean)