
passive voice

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  • I have heard the noise.
    The noise have been heard by me.
  • He has given me a present.
    I have been given a present. The present has been given to me.
  • He is doing the homework now.
    The homework is being done now.
  • she wins the game.
    The game is won.
  • She plays video games everyday.
    video games are played everyday.
  • He is sending a letter now.
    A letter is being sent.
  • the girl saw the bird.
    The bird was seen .
  • He was eating ice cream.
    Ice cream was being eaten .
  • She bought a car yesterday.
    A car was bought yesterday.
  • They visited him .
    He was visited by them.
  • The teacher may give us 2 quizes.
    two quizes may be given by the teacher.
  • I drive the car quickly.
    The car is driven.
  • She was listening to music.
    Music was being listened by her.
  • She will cut the cake.
    The cake will be cut
  • He had found a treasure.
    A treasure had been found.
  • She has uploaded the file.
    The file has been uploaded
  • Students had left school early.
    School had been left early.