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  • What does RUTHLESS mean?
    cruel, or determined to succeed without caring about others: Hitler was a ruthless leader.
  • What does SELF-CONFIDENT mean?
    behaving calmly because you have no doubts about your ability or knowledge: At school he was popular and self-confident.
  • What are strong principles?
    someone with strong moral ideas: Adam is a man of strong principles.
  • What does COURAGEOUS mean?
    brave, having or showing courage: It was a courageous decision to resign in protest at the company's pollution record.
  • Anna has know Jenn since/for October 2010.
  • We’ve been married since/for last June.
  • What does OBSESSIVE mean?
    thinking about something or someone, or doing something, too much or all the time: He's obsessive about punctuality.
  • I have lived in this house since/for 1997.
  • He has been here since/for 9am.
  • What does "to inspire respect" mean?
    to make others respect the thing: Authority and power - or birthright - will never inspire true respect.
  • They are studying since/for three hours today.
  • What does CHARMING mean?
    pleasant and attractive: We had dinner with our director and his charming wife. What a charming street this is.