
outcomes upper 5

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  • I'm terrible at tennis – I'm _______________ and can't even hit the ball properly.
    totally uncoordinated
  • I think it's fine to_______________occasionally, but it's important to eat lots of fresh, healthy food regularly as well.
    eat junk food
  • On Saturdays, I don't have to wake up early, so I usually have a long ____________.
  • I'm so -------------- that lots of my old clothes don't fit me anymore.
    out of shape
  • After a few minutes on the running machine, I really started to ____________.
    work up a sweat
  • I didn't do anything on holiday except __________on the beach.
    chill out
  • I'm not as fit as I used to be because I get __________________ more easily when I exercise.
    out of breath
  • I'm taking part in a 30-kilometre race next month, so I'm doing lots of exercise to ________________.
    build up my stamina