
Famous People from History

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  • Who wrote and sang 'Stir it up'?
    Bob Marley
  • What is the name of the famous writer who wrote Romeo and Juliet?
    William Shakespeare.
  • Which Queen ruled almost 64 years?
    Queen Victoria.
  • Which military leader was known as the saviour of France in the 100 years war?
    Joan of Arc.
  • Who discovered radium and polonium?
    Marie Mayonnaise
    Marie Mustardé
    Marie Ketchup
    Marie Curie
  • Who is said to have strangled thirteen women in the 1960''s?
    The London Strangler (Albert de Salvo)
    The Birmingham Strangler (Albert de Salvo)
    The Boston Strangler (Albert de Salvo)
    The British Strangler (Albert de Salvo)
  • Who created the periodic table?
    Dmitri Mendeleev
    Robertius Louis Mtal
    Rosa Bẽrg
    Albert Einstein
  • Who set Rome on fire?
    Emperor Nero
  • Which Mexican female artist is well known for her self-portraits?
    Frida Kahlo
  • Which pharaoh ruled when he was eight years old and died when he was 19?
    Tutankhamun II
  • Who was a most feared serial killer in London in the 19th century?
    Ted Bundy
    Jack the Ripper
    Queen Victoria
    The man with the red jacket.
  • Who wrote a famous diary in WW2?
    Anne Frank
  • What is the name of the queen who killed at least 284 Protestants?
    Mary 2
    Elizabeth 1
    Elizabeth 2
    Mary I
  • Who discovered America?
    Christopher Columbus
  • Who created the atom bomb?
    Robert Oppenheimer
  • Who helped Oppenheimer to build the atom bomb?
    Albert Einstein.
  • Which singer did the famous 'Moonwalk'?
    Michael Jackson
  • Who was the first man on the moon?
    Neil Armstrong.
  • What is the name of the drugs baron from Columbia who killed 4000 people?
    Pablo Escobar
  • What was the name of the famous holy man who went to Molokai to help the lepers?
    Pablo Escobar
    Father Damien.
    Mother Theresa
  • Who was shot in the jaw during the French Revolution?
    Maximilian Robespierre
    King Louis XVI
    Julien Le Parte
  • Who started WW2?
    Adolf Hitler.
  • Which general lost the Battle of Waterloo?
    Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Who composed The Magic Flute?
    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  • Which saint gave the money left by his parents to poor people?
    Saint Nicholas