
Air Travel Vocabulary

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  • Name the cities that you have already visited.
  • What does it mean "Let's prepare our suitcase with what we will take for the trip"?
  • Can you translate "I really liked that guided tour"
  • What do you usually need to enter or leave a country?
    A passport
  • What´s the difference between "To travel" and "Trip"?
    "To travel" it means viajar, verbo no infinitivo and "Trip" it means viagem, substantivo
  • Can you translate this phrase? "When I'm abroad, I'm automatically a tourist"
  • What does the word "same" mean in the sentence: "You have the same battle as mine"?
    a mesma
  • How do you say "Eu amo observar as montanhas" in english?
    I love TO WATCH the mountains
  • What does it mean: "I just packed my handbag"?
  • How do we say "país" in english?