
Causes of a Problem

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  • The door was locked when Jeremy got to the city library .
    It was Sunday morning and the library was closed.
    Jeremy owes money on overdue books.
  • You tum on the television, but there is no picture.
    It has been left on too long.
    It is unplugged.
    Someone is wat.ching television in the next room.
  • Your house key won't tum in the lock of your front door .
    It is the wrong key .
    The key is metal.
    It is the wrong house.
  • Debbie's babysitter called and said she couldn't babysit next week.
    The babysitter has the flu and needs to stay home in bed.
    Rosa had a nice dinner planned.
    The babysitter bought new furniture for her bedroom.
  • You are hiking. Suddenly, you feel a pain in your foot .
    The altitude is too high.
    You have a rock in your shoe .
    You ate too much for lunch .
  • Grant couldn't find a shirt in his closet.
    Grant wears a size 16 shirt.
    Grant put his pants, socks, and shoes on first.
    Grant forgot to do his laundry.
  • The car coasts to a stop and the engine dies.
    You have a flat tire.
    You are out of gas.
  • Carla invited her in-laws to a formal dinner party, but they declined her invitation.
    Carla's children are teenagers.
    Carla invited them weeks in advance.
    Carla's in-laws are angry with her over an argument earlier
  • You oversleep because the alarm clock doesn't ring.
    It is too cold in the room.
    You forgot to set the alarm.
  • You go to a friend's house for dinner. No one answers the door.
    You are wearing the wrong clothing.
    It is a holiday.
    She is in the back yard.
  • You wake up and look out your window. The grass is all wet .
    You are having a drought.
    There is dew on the grass.
    Someone drove a car through the yard
  • You go to take a shower and there is no hot water.
    The temperature in the bathroom is too low.
    The hot water heater is broken.
  • When Carla stopped to pick up her laundry at the cleaners, they were unable to give it to her.
    Carla bought a new suit on Saturday .
    Carla came before the time the cleaners promised to have it
  • One day at preschool, Sarah didn't eat her snack.
    Sarah didn't want what they were having that day for snack.
    The preschool didn't have enough food.
    Sarah will be going to elementary school next year.
  • You want to turn down a city street, but the street is blocked off .
    Rain is coming.
    Workers are repairing the street.