
CAE Money Idioms U7 Complete Advanced

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  • Have so much money that you can waste it.
    Money to burn
  • Borrow money from the bank
    Take out a loan
  • Collect money for an NGO/Charity
    Raise money
  • Organise your money so that you can pay your bills
    Make ends meet
  • An independent person doesn't like other people paying for them, they want to pay their...
    own way
  • Be careful with your money because you don't have an endless supply
    Money doesn't grow on trees
  • To impress someone, for example in an interiew
    sell yourself
  • If you pay for something and it is really expensive, you pay through ...
    the nose
  • Don't just talk about doing something, actually do it
    Put your money where your mouth is
  • If you can't pay by cheque or credit card, you need to pay in ....
    hard cash
  • The person who decides how the budget is spend, holds the...
    purse strings
  • A person who goes crazy and buys everthing without thinking about the consequences, spends money...
    like water
  • If something is too expensive, you can't afford it because it would...
    break the bank