
Bloom's Verbs in Context 4

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  • Can you JUSTIFY your answer with evidence from the text?
    JUSTIFY: To provide reasons or evidence to support a belief, decision, or action.
  • In what ways can you PERSONALIZE your study routine to enhance your learning experience?
    PERSONALIZE: To customize or tailor study routines to suit individual preferences, needs, or learning styles, thereby enhancing the learning experience.
  • What formulas would you CALCULATE to find the volume of this cylinder?
    CALCULATE: To figure out or determine a value or result using mathematical operations.
  • Can you ELABORATE on your answer to provide more detail?
    ELABORATE: To add more detail or information to something to make it more complex or comprehensive.
  • How do you TRANSCRIBE an interview from audio to text format?
    TRANSCRIBE: To convert spoken words from an audio recording into written text format.
  • Why is it important to IMPORT data from reliable sources into your research paper?
    IMPORT: To bring in or bring from another place, especially from a different country.
  • How would you CONSTRUCT a model of the solar system?
    CONSTRUCT: To build or create something, typically using materials or components.
  • What steps can you take to ORGANIZE your research notes before writing a paper?
    ORGANIZE: To arrange or structure research notes in a systematic and logical manner before beginning the writing process of a paper.
  • The painting beautifully DEPICTS a serene countryside scene.
    DEPICT: To represent or portray something in a picture, painting, or description.
  • How do you JUDGE the credibility of a website for research?
    JUDGE: To form an opinion or make a decision about something based on careful consideration or assessment.
  • What artistic choices did the painter make to PORTRAY emotion in this artwork?
    PORTRAY: To make artistic choices in an artwork that convey or evoke a particular emotion or mood to the viewer.
  • How much electricity do solar panels GENERATE from sunlight?
    GENERATE: To produce or create something, often referring to ideas, energy, or data.
  • How do you PARAPHRASE a passage to express the same idea in different words?
    PARAPHRASE: To express the same idea or message conveyed in a passage using different words or phrasing, often to clarify or simplify.
  • What factors would you use to SUBDIVIDE the chapters of a textbook?
    SUBDIVIDE: To divide or separate something into smaller parts or sections.
  • Can you RECALL the main events of the American Revolution?
    RECALL: To remember or bring back to mind information or events from memory.
  • Can you COMPOSE a melody for this set of lyrics?
    COMPOSE: To create or write something, such as a piece of music, a poem, or a letter.
  • How would you APPRAISE the value of this antique vase?
    APPRAISE: To judge or evaluate the value or quality of something.
  • What factors should you ANALYZE when interpreting this graph?
    ANALYZE: To carefully look at something to understand its parts or how it works.
  • How do you VALIDATE the results of a scientific study through experimentation?
    VALIDATE: To confirm or prove the accuracy or validity of something, often through testing or experimentation.
  • What criteria would you use to ARRANGE the elements in this periodic table?
    ARRANGE: To put things in a certain order or pattern.
  • How can you ASSOCIATE this character's actions with the theme of the novel?
    ASSOCIATE: To connect or link one thing with another in some way.
  • How can you INTERCONVERT between Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures?
    INTERCONVERT: To change something from one form or system into another.
  • Can you VISUALIZE the process of photosynthesis in a plant cell?
    VISUALIZE: To form a mental image or picture of something, often to better understand or comprehend it.
  • How do teachers EVALUATE students' progress through various assessments?
    EVALUATE: To assess or judge the quality, significance, or value of something based on specific criteria.
  • How do you ROUND OFF a decimal number to the nearest whole number?
    ROUND OFF: To adjust a numerical value to the nearest whole number or specified decimal place.
  • How can you CAPTURE the reader's attention in the opening paragraph of your essay?
    CAPTURE: To catch or seize something, like attention or interest.
  • Can you OUTLINE the key points of this historical event in chronological order?
    OUTLINE: To summarize the key points or events of a historical event in chronological order, providing a clear overview.
  • Scientists often DISSECT specimens to study their anatomy.
    DISSECT: To analyze or examine something in detail, often by breaking it down into smaller parts.