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  • Chafing - The ill-fitting shoes were chafing her feet.
    good job
  • Grudgingly - She grudgingly admitted her mistake.
    good job
  • Charity - Donating to charity helps those in need.
    good job
  • Judge - It's not our place to judge others.
    good job
  • Abide - We must abide by the rules.
    good job
  • Chaos - The sudden storm caused chaos in the streets.
    good job
  • Achieve - With hard work, you can achieve your goals.
    good job
  • Architect - The architect designed a stunning building.
    good job
  • Chivalry - Chivalry is often associated with medieval knights.
    good job
  • Chronology - The historian studied the chronology of events.
    good job
  • Chalk - The teacher wrote on the board with chalk.
    good job
  • Knowledgeable - He is knowledgeable about various topics.
    good job
  • Adjective - "Beautiful" is an adjective.
    good job
  • Chalice - The priest held up the golden chalice.
    good job
  • Mechanism - Understanding the mechanism is crucial.
    good job
  • Character - A strong character is admirable.
    good job
  • Channel - Change the channel to watch something else.
    good job
  • Exchange - They decided to exchange gifts.
    good job
  • Fidgety - The child became fidgety during the long lecture.
    good job
  • Budget - We need to stick to our budget.
    good job
  • Dislodge - It took hours to dislodge the stubborn nail.
    good job
  • Sedge - The wetland was filled with sedge plants.
    good job
  • Choreograph - She had to choreograph the dance routine.
    good job
  • Chagrin - She couldn't hide her chagrin at the mistake.
    good job
  • Cadge - He tried to cadge a free meal from his friend.
    good job
  • Chestnut - The horse had a beautiful chestnut coat.
    good job
  • Chancellor - The chancellor announced new policies.
    good job
  • Chieftain - The chieftain led his tribe with wisdom.
    good job
  • Chagrin - He felt a sense of chagrin after the defeat.
    good job
  • Knowledge - Reading broadens your knowledge.
    good job
  • Churlish - His churlish remarks offended everyone.
    good job
  • Chimney - Smoke rose from the chimney.
    good job
  • Midday - The sun was directly overhead at midday.
    good job
  • Grudge - Holding onto a grudge only brings negativity.
    good job
  • Lodgepole - The forest had tall lodgepole pines.
    good job
  • Chair - Please take a seat in the chair.
    good job
  • Chrome - The car's shiny chrome gleamed in the sunlight.
    good job
  • Churn - The storm caused the sea to churn violently.
    good job
  • Budge - The door wouldn't budge; it was stuck.
    good job
  • Chocolate - I love the taste of dark chocolate.
    good job
  • Budge - After much effort, the rock finally budged.
    good job
  • Chirp - Birds chirped in the morning.
    good job
  • Chorus - The chorus sang the final part of the song.
    good job
  • Badger - The persistent salesman tried to badger us into buying.
    good job
  • Judgment - She exercised good judgment in the situation.
    good job
  • Adjudicate - The judge will adjudicate the dispute.
    good job
  • Approach - Let's approach the problem from a different angle.
    good job
  • Chivalrous - He displayed chivalrous behavior towards her.
    good job
  • Hedgehog - The hedgehog curled into a protective ball.
    good job
  • Chasm - The explorers discovered a deep chasm in the cave.
    good job
  • Adjourn - The meeting will adjourn until next week.
    good job
  • Midst - In the midst of chaos, he remained calm.
    good job
  • Chaos - The storm caused chaos in the city.
    good job
  • Chimera - The creature was a chimera of various animals.
    good job
  • Grudge - Holding a grudge is not healthy.
    good job
  • Sedge - The riverbank was covered in sedge.
    good job
  • Chlorine - The pool was treated with chlorine for cleanliness.
    good job
  • Chancellor - The university welcomed a new chancellor.
    good job
  • Dodge - Quick reflexes helped him dodge the ball.
    good job
  • Fudge - Can you pass me a piece of that delicious fudge?
    good job
  • Nudge - He gave her a gentle nudge to get her attention.
    good job
  • Chortle - The comedian's joke made the audience chortle.
    good job
  • Chime - The clock began to chime midnight.
    good job
  • Choreography - The dance troupe practiced their choreography.
    good job
  • Acquaintance - She made a new acquaintance at the event.
    good job
  • Hurdle - Overcoming obstacles is a significant hurdle.
    good job
  • Soldier - The brave soldier defended his country.
    good job
  • Chameleon - The chameleon changed color to blend in.
    good job
  • Sedge - The sedge grass swayed in the breeze.
    good job
  • Charismatic - The leader was known for his charismatic personality.
    good job
  • Echo - Her voice echoed through the canyon.
    good job
  • Champion - The team celebrated their victory as the champion.
    good job
  • Checkout - Please proceed to the checkout for payment.
    good job
  • Charming - The old town had a charming atmosphere.
    good job
  • Fudge - She made delicious chocolate fudge.
    good job
  • Chalice - The priest held the sacred chalice.
    good job
  • Midge - A swarm of midges hovered near the water.
    good job
  • Gadget - The new gadget simplified daily tasks.
    good job
  • Chameleon - The chameleon adapted to its surroundings.
    good job
  • Fidget - Unable to sit still, he began to fidget.
    good job
  • Inchoate - His ideas were still inchoate and needed development.
    good job
  • Pledge - Students recited the pledge of allegiance.
    good job
  • Chirrup - The birds continued to chirrup in the trees.
    good job
  • Edge - Be careful not to fall off the edge.
    good job
  • Hodgepodge - The room was a hodgepodge of mismatched furniture.
    good job
  • Chemistry - Studying chemistry can be fascinating.
    good job
  • Chorus - The audience joined in the chorus.
    good job
  • Sedge - The wetland was rich with sedge vegetation.
    good job
  • Nudge - A gentle nudge reminded her to pay attention.
    good job
  • Budget - We have to budget our resources wisely.
    good job
  • Ledge - The cat perched on the narrow ledge.
    good job
  • Sludge - The polluted river had thick sludge.
    good job
  • Bridge - The bridge spans the river.
    good job
  • Lodge - We booked a cozy lodge in the mountains.
    good job
  • Chatter - The children's chatter filled the room.
    good job
  • Lodge - We decided to lodge at a cozy cabin.
    good job
  • Judge - The judge made a fair decision.
    good job