
rude, mean, or bullying?

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  • Rude, mean, or bullying? Brady told JP he would beat him up if he touched his cars, then shoved JP out of his way. During math class, he threw a spitball at JP and kicked his chair out from under him. He told JP he would punch him later.
  • Whenever Noah plays with a ball on the playground, the older boys always take it away from him and push him down.
  • Brenda says "are you seriously wearing that sweater again? You wore it yesterday...that's so weird."
  • Someone knocked into Lindsey on the playground and it hurt her a little bit. They didn't say sorry.
  • Rude, mean, or bullying? Lucas tells Damien that he can't play with the Legos because he is the worst builder in the whole school.
  • Billy calls Nate "fatty" whenever he sits by him. Nate tells him he doesn't like it, but Billy won't stop.
  • Rude, mean, or bullying? Purposefully aggressive, repeated over time, involves imbalance of power
  • Emily spent a long time on her artwork, but then Joe scribbled all over it and ruined it. Joe said he was trying to be funny, not mean.
  • Rude, mean, or bullying? Purposefully saying or doing something to hurt someone (once or twice)
  • Rude, mean, or bullying? Saying something to be funny but it hurts someone's feelings.
  • Emma and Brit play on the same field hockey team and are usually BFFs, bit have been arguing for 3 days. Emma called Brit a mean name and Brit sent Emma a mean text.
  • Rude, mean, or bullying? You don't mean to hurt someone on purpose, but you do.
  • Claire is bragging about being the best speller in his class.
  • Melanie was walking into school with her hands full of birthday cupcakes. The student in front of her did not hold the door, and the cupcakes fell all over the ground.
  • Justin takes things out of Vanessa's desk every day. He throws her things away or hides them from her.
  • Jessie takes the last seat at the lunch table even though they knew that Jack always sits there.
  • Rude, mean, or bullying? Criticizing clothing, looks, school skills
  • Rude, mean, or bullying? Not using "manners"- saying sorry or please and thank you
  • How does it feel when someone is rude to you? How do you handle it?
  • Mia called Tabatha stupid because she did not do well on the spelling test.