
A2 Gold Experience U1 unit check

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  • What does `Competition` mean?
    for people to do things they like or are good at to win and be better than there other people who have come to do the same
  • Where are they going?
    Going to watch a movie at the cinema (gong to the cinema)
  • What are they doing?
    Camp / Camping
  • What are they doing?
    Sing / Singing
  • What is a hobby?
    Something you do a lot and enjoy (weekly)
  • What does the word `Belong`mean?
    when something is someones property (this phone belongs to you - it is your phone)
  • What is this?
    A Birthday cake
  • What does it mean when you `care about` someone or something?
    When you like / love them and/or worry about them and their health or well being
  • What are they doing?
    Fish / Fishing
  • What is a `Tent`?
    Something you sleep in when camping (outside)
  • What are they doing?
    Cooking dinner
  • What are they doing?
    Listening to music
  • What is this?
  • What is she doing?
    Taking photos
  • What are they doing?
    Paint / Painting
  • What is the dog doing?
    Catch / Catching
  • What are they doing?
    Going swimming
  • what is this?
    Bake / Baking
  • What is this called?
    A Beach
  • What are they doing?
    Draw / Drawing
  • What is a `Prize`?
    A prize can be winning money or a medal or something in exchange for beating (being better) than other people
  • What are they doing?
    Going shopping
  • What are they doing?
    Dance / Dancing
  • What does it mean to `collect` things?
    you get all different types of that same thing and keep them i.e. cards, comics, stamps...
  • What are they doing?
    Read / Reading
  • What is he doing?
    Flying a kite
  • What do you call someone who creates art professionally?
    An Artist
  • Where are they going?
    Go / Going to bed
  • What do you call drawing and painting?
  • What is a Musical instrument?
    Something that is played to make musical sounds i.e.Guitar, flute, trumpet or drums...