
Idioms to Describe People

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  • Someone who is really good at something —like computers or Math. (W_ _ _ _)
    a whizz
  • Someone who criticizes others usually without knowing anything. (A_ _ _ _ _ _ _     C_ _ _ _ _)
    armchair critic
  • Someone who hates to spend money. (C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
  • Someone who is a good friend when everything is fine.  (F_ _ _ - W_ _ _ _ _ _    F_ _ _ _ _)
    fair-weather friend
  • Someone who is very funny. (B_ _ _ _ _   of   L_ _ _ _ _)
    barrel of laughs
  • A student who disrupts the class and tries to make everybody laugh. (C_ _ _ _     C_ _ _ _)
    class clown
  • A weird and strange person.  (O_ _ _ _ _ _)
  • Someone who can do many things very well. (J_ _ _    of all  T_ _ _ _ _)
    jack of all trades
  • Someone who cries a lot and for no good reason —not a real baby.  (C_ _ _ _ _ _)
  • A cold-hearted person. (C_ _ _   F_ _ _)
    cold fish
  • Someone who is a bit crazy. (N_ _ _ _    as  a   F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
    nutty as a fruitcake
  • Someone who is rich and successful- usually old. (F_ _ _ _ _)
    fat cat
  • Someone who is lazy and watches a lot of TV. (C_ _ _ _    P_ _ _ _ _)
    couch potato
  • Children who are very well behaved. (G_ _ _  as  G_ _ _)
    good as gold
  • Someone who loves to stay up late. (N_ _ _ _       O_ _)
    night owl
  • Someone who worries about every little thing. (W_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
  • The "bad egg" in the family; the one who is always in trouble. (B_ _ _ _    S_ _ _ _)
    black sheep
  • Someone who copies others. (C_ _ _ _ _ _)
  • A really good and kind person. (H_ _ _ _     of   G_ _ _)
    heart of gold
  • Someone who talks non-stop. (C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
  • Someone who takes unnecessary risks. (D_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
  • Someone who is very old. (Old as T_ _     H_ _ _)
    old as the hills
  • Someone who is really annoying and causes you a lot of aggravation. (P_ _ _   in   T_ _    N_ _ _)
    pain in the neck
  • Someone who likes getting up early in the morning.  (E_ _ _ _   B_ _ _)
    early bird
  • An awful person who is also untrustworthy. (S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
  • Someone who gives orders when you are driving. (B_ _ _ _ _ _ _   D_ _ _ _ _)
    backseat driver
  • Someone who causes a lot of problems or trouble. (T_ _ _B_ _ _ _K_ _)
  • Someone who has his/her nose in everyone else’s business. (B_ _ _ _ _ _ _)