
Mummies Fact Tracker

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  • The pyramids were built by thousands of slaves.
  • Besides being paid, what is one additional reason farmers worked hard constructing the pyramids?
  • Effect: Pyramids started to be constructed with secret tombs for the resting pharaohs. Fill in the cause
  • What was the Book of the Dead? Why was it important for a person to be buried with the Book of the Dead?
  • What did the ancient Egyptians call the Black Land?
  • Name three things mummies were buried with to make them comfortable and happy in the Next Life?
  • Why did Egyptians mummify a person's body after death? Why was it important to not allow the person's body to be destroyed?
  • What are three ways the Nile River aided the Egyptians in building such a great civilization?
  • "There were over 700 different signs!" Do you think hieroglyphics were hard to learn? Why or why not?
  • Why did Egyptians live so close to each other?
    To save as much land as possible of the Black Land
    They liked being close to their families to help them
    They thought it would be safer.
  • Name any three gods and goddesses of Ancient Egypt
  • The farmers planted their seeds in November. So why was July a very important month for ancient Egyptian farmers?
  • "If they were caught, they were beaten and often put to death." Why did ancient Egyptians believe tomb robbing was worthy of death?
  • What did most ancient Egyptians do for a job?
    construction workers.
    construction workers.
  • "One of the most important jobs in ancient Egypt was that of a scribe." What were two important tasks of scribes?
  • What is a mastabas?
  • What were two reasons most Egyptian homes had flat roofs?
  • Effect: The great Egyptian nation was formed. A civilization that lasted for 3,000 years was formed. Name the Cause.
  • What did the ancient Egyptians call the Red Land?
  • What are two reasons statues of the dead person were buried with the mummy?
  • How old was King Tutankhamun when he died?
  • Name three things you have learned about mummies and Egypt!