
What is the problem?

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  • Candy cried when she saw her haircut when it was done.
    She did not like her haircut. Maybe it was too short or did not look good on her.
  • Dad noticed that the needle was pointing to "E" as the car stopped.
    The car ran out of gas.
  • Once Chris ate some peanuts, his lips started to swell.
    He was allergic to peanuts.
  • Lily's family could barely eat what she prepared for dinner.
    The food she cooked did not taste good.
  • Nina smelled smoke coming from the kitchen.
    Something was burning in the kitchen
  • I just placed the blanket on the grass when I heard thunder. I was planning to have a picnic
    It's about to rain so the picnic have to be cancelled/postponed.
  • Patricia opened her wallet to pay, but she only had 20 pesos!
    She does not have enough to pay for what she wanted to buy.
  • Luke could not keep his eyes open during the teacher's lecture.
    He was very sleepy.
  • Dan's dog had not eaten his food for several days.
    His dog might be sick, or there is something wrong with the dog food.
  • Tanya's skin was bright red and painful to touch.
    She got sunburned.
  • Martin froze when his teacher started to hand out a test to everyone.
    He did not know there was a test. He did not study before.
  • The back door was open, and Michelle could not find her cat.
    Her cat got out of the house through the door.
  • Mark had difficulty swallowing because his throat was dry.
    He was dehydrated.