
HE is / THEY are ACTION at the PLACE

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  • What is he doing at the farm?
    He's feeding the chicken.
  • What are they doing in the park?
    They're sitting on the bench.
  • What is she doing in the park?
    She's climbing a tree.
  • What is she doing at home?
    She's reading a book.
  • What is he doing on the beach?
    He's lying on the sand.
  • What is she doing at home?
    She's tidying her room
  • What is he doing in the garden?
    He's watering the plants.
  • What are they doing on the street?
    They're riding a bike.
  • What are they doing on  the road?
    They're running.
  • What are they doing in the classroom?
    They're playing the guitar.
  • What is he doing at the top of the mountain?
    He's drinking water.
  • What is he doing in the country?
    He's taking photos.
  • What is he doing at the farm?
    He's picking the apples.
  • What is the dog doing  doing in the garden?
    It's jumping up and down.