
Jobs and professions

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  • A waiter is the person who
    serves food at a restaurant. (waitress for women)
  • A construction worker is someone who
    builds houses and buildings.
  • A tailor is a person that
    makes or fits clothes, usually for a person in particular.
  • An architect is a person who
    designs buildings.
  • A nurse is a person who
    monitors patients and helps a doctor.
  • A baker is a person who
    makes cakes, cookies and desserts.
  • A plumber is a person that
    repairs water pipes in bathrooms and kitchens.
  • A librarian is a person who
    works at a library and helps people to find information.
  • A pilot is a person who
    flies a plane.
  • A farmer is a person who
    raises animals and grows food.
  • A mechanic is a person who
    repairs cars and machines.
  • An electrician is a person who
    repairs electrical equipment.
  • An engineer is a person who
    designs or maintains machines or structures.
  • A fisherman is a person who
    fishes for fun or as an occupation.
  • A veterinarian is a doctor who
    cures and prevents diseases in animals.
  • A journalist is the person that
    gathers information to report the news.
  • A cook is a person that
    prepares food.
  • A firefighter is a person who
    puts out fires.
  • A scientist is a person that
    conducts research related to science.
  • A judge is a person who
    gives a sentence in a court case.
  • An optician is the specialist that
    checks your sight and gives a treatment.
  • A lawyer is a person who
    advises people about the law and represents them in legal situations.
  • A lifeguard is a person who
    saves people from drowning at the beach or swimming pool
  • A hairdresser is someone who
    cuts your hair.