
CPE Dependent Prepositions

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  • DEFINED ___
    defined BY
  • As the government embarks ___ on its plans, environmentalists are asking if economic growth really is compatible ___ environmental preservation.
    ON, WITH
  • __ (a) PAR __
    ON (a) par WITH
    according TO
  • IMPACT ___
    impact ON, impact OF
  • The judge pronounced that the landfill company had demonstrated a cavalier disregard ___ regulations and that the damage inflicted ___ the environment was substantial.
    FOR, ON
  • a (paradigm) SHIFT ___
    a shift IN
  • FRAUGHT ___ (negatively full of)
    fraught WITH
  • Congress has approved the establishment ___ a revamped wildlife law ___ accordance ___ its international commitments.
    OF, IN, WITH
    implications FOR
  • CHARGED ___ (as in guiilty/accused of)
    charged WITH
  • The government needs to commit ___ imposing tougher sanctions ___ corporations who are ___ breach ___ local and national green policies.
    TO, ON, IN, OF
    responsibility FOR
  • PUSH ___ (as in to demand something repeatedly, to make sth happen)
    push FOR
  • ___ ___ TERM(S) ___ (accept a conclusion, find a consensus)
    COME TO terms WITH
  • Many of us are resigned ___ the fact that we are completely SUBSERVIENT ___ fossil fuels despite the fact that this impinges ___ the natural world.
    TO, TO, ON