
S1 T1 L5 - Writing Hooks

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  • You fart on average 14 times a day, and each fart travels from your body at 7 mph.
    Tell an interesting fact
  • It's impossible to learn every language in the word, but with a good understanding of body language you won't need to.
    Explain why the topic is important.
  • Most people think that words are the clearest form of communication, but they are completely wrong.
    Challenge or contradict
  • What do you know about videogames?
    Ask a question
  • You may not think so, but nodding your head up and down can mean no!
    Challenge or contradict
  • Did you know why Vitamin C is good for you?
    Ask a question
  • Famous robotics expert Isaac Asimov. once said, “A robot can be a powerful tool for good or ill, depending on the intentions of its creator.”
    a quote or paraphrase
  • Over 70% of communication is non-verbal, so it's crucial to have a clear understanding of body language.
    Explain why the topic is important.
  • "I make mistakes growing up. I'm not perfect. I'm not a robot," is how singer Justin Bieber illustrated the difference between humanity and articifical intelligence.
    a quote or paraphrase
  • With AI becoming more common, the role that robots play in our everyday lives will increase drastically.
    Explain why the topic is important.
  • There are 31,556,926 seconds in a year.
    Tell an interesting fact
  • Did you ever discover something that changed your life?
    Ask a question
  • One of the ingredients needed to make dynamite is peanuts.
    Tell an interesting fact
  • Robots are dumber than humans!
    Challenge or contradict
  • While you sleep you can’t smell anything – even really, really bad or potent smells.
    Tell an interesting fact
  • Legendary Microsoft founder Bill Gates is excited about the future of robots, stating “Robotics and other combinations will make the world pretty fantastic compared with today.”
    a quote or paraphrase
  • Did you know  that nodding your head doesn't always mean yes?
    Ask a question