
Unit 4 Section A Checkpoint Review

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  • Use the standard algorithm to find the value of 16,452 x 6.
  • Find the value of this product. Explain or show your reasoning. 518 x 6
  • Find the value of this product. Explain or show your thinking. 127 x 50
  • Find the value of this product. Explain or show your reasoning. 27 x 53
  • Find 315 x 43 using partial products
  • Find the value of 322 x 41 using the standard algorithm
  • How are these strategies the same? How are they different?
    A had more products to find, and then to add up at the end. B had fewer products but products were harder to find.
  • Complete the diagram and use it to find 253 x 31
  • Find the value of this product. Explain or show your thinking. 100 x 50
  • Find the value of this product. Explain or show your thinking. 120 x 50
  • Han says that the value of the 7 in 735,208 is 10 times the value of the 7 in 137,342. Do you agree with Han? Explain or show your reasoning.
    Han is not correct. The 7 in 735,208 represents 700,000 and that is 100 times the value of 7,000, the value of 7 in 137,342.
  • What is the volume of this rectangular prism? Explain or show your reasoning.
    192,000 cm cubed
  • Complete the diagram and use it to find 253 x 31