
It Might Have Been a Temple

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  • What is the name of this place, and where is it?
    Mỹ Sơn, near Duy Phú, Duy Xuyên district, Quảng Nam province, Việt Nam
  • What is a "ruin"?
    A broken, unusable building.
  • The Statue of Unity, the tallest statue in the world, is in which country?
  • Where does the English language originally come from?
    England, in the 5th century in what is the "U.K." today.
  • Name 5 countries that commonly speak English.
    U.S.A., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Barbados, Belize, Nigeria, Singapore, India, and the U.K.
  • The (people / population / civilisation) of Việt Nam is about 98,859,000.
  • When a culture "collapses" it is (failing to continue / making something new / becoming more successful).
    falling apart. ("To collapse" means to fall down or fall apart, meaning the culture experienced something bad and cannot continue without losing a lot)
  • What do you call a Christian (Kitô giáo / Cơ Đốc giáo / đạo Chúa) temple?
    A church
  • What do you call a Muslim (Hồi giáo / đạo Hồi) temple?
    A mosque
  • What is this called & where can you find it?
    This is a moai. You can find them on Rapa Nui / Easter Island in Chile.
  • A city at is "peak" is at its (strongest / weakest) in history.
  • Name 4 religions.
    Buddhism (đạo Phật); Christianity (đạo Chúa) [Catholicism (Công giáo); Protestant (đạo Tin lành)]; Islam (đạo Hồi); Caodaism; traditional Vietnamese religion
  • Name 5 natural disasters and 3 man-made disasters.
    Natural: tornados, tsunamis, tidal waves, lightning, floods, diseases, wildfires; Man-made: deforestation, wars, pollution, crimes, nuclear fallout, accidents
  • What natural disaster is this?
    Volcanic eruption (a volcano is not a disaster until it "erupts")
  • What is the name of this place, and where is it?
    Machu Picchu in the eastern Andes mountain range, Urubamba province, Peru
  • What do you call the most important Catholic (Công giáo) temple in an area?
    A cathedral
  • What natural disaster is this?
    A typhoon / hurricane / cyclone (Typhoons for east Asia; hurricanes for eastern Pacific & North Atlantic, & cyclones in the South Hemisphere & Indian ocean)
  • What's this?
    String (small, thin) or rope (big, thick)
  • What do you call an Asian temple that is also a tower?
    A pagoda
  • This is the _____________ in Agra, India. It serves as a temple and a ______ for an Indian Emperor's dead wife.
    Taj Mahal, grave / tomb / mausoleum
  • What do you call the direction facing away from the sea, towards the land?
  • What natural disaster is this?
    An avalanche (when snow & ice slides down the side of a mountain, destroying & burying everything)
  • A drought means there is (too much / a lack of / normal amount of) rain.
    a lack of (NOTE: drought is different for different areas. A drought in a desert might mean NO rain, but a drought in a rainforest might rain A LITTLE)
  • What do you call a Jewish (Do Thái giáo / đạo Do Thái) temple?
    A synagogue
  • What natural disaster is when the ground shakes?
    An "earthquake" or "tremor" (a little earthquake).
  • When I form a picture in my mind, it's called my (memory / mind's eye / imagination)
    "mind's eye" or "imagination". (Making a picture in your brain is your "mind's eye", but creating an image of something from nothing is "imagination")
  • What natural disaster is this?
    A landslide / mudslide / rockslide (when the land slides down the side of a hill or a mountain, destroying and burying everything)
  • What do you call the direction facing towards the sea, away from the land?
    Seawards or coastwards
  • What is the name of this place, and where is it?
    Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain, in Wiltshire, England, United Kingdom
  • If people "abandon" a building, they (destroy / break / leave) it.