
E8 - Review U9 and 10

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  • What's the weather like on Sunday?
    It's cold on Sunday.
  • What's the weather like today?
    It's hot today.
  • Do you wear a coat when it's sunny?
    No, I don't.
  • It's cold today.
    (suggested answer) Put on your scarf.
  • What's the weather like on Monday?
    It's sunny on Monday.
  • What's the weather like in Viet Nam?
    It's windy in Viet Nam.
  • What's the weather like today?
    It's cloudy today.
  • What's the weather like in the USA?
    It's snowing in the USA.
  • What's the weather like on Tuesday?
    It's raining on Tuesday.
  • What do wear when it's hot?
    I wear a T-shirt and shorts when it's hot.
  • It's raining today.
    (suggested answer) Don't forget your umbrella.
  • What do wear when it's cold?
    I wear a coat when it's cold.