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  • How many languages does Canada have?
    Canada has two languages
  • Which is Canada's currency?
    Canadian Dollar
  • Where is Canada?
    It is in North America
  • Is Canada one of the biggest countries of the world? What position?
    Yes, it is. The second one.
  • Which is the national symbol?
    It is a maple leaf
  • How many colors does the flag have? Which one?
    It has two colours: white and red
  • What is the capital of Canada?
    The capital is Ottawa
  • How much population does Canada have?
    It has over 39 million people.
  • What oceans border Canada?
    Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific
  • What country does Canada border to the south?
  • What state of USA is north-west of Canada?
    Alaska is to north-west of Canada