
6A - Night night

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  • e.g. When you get into bed, you put your head on the ____.
  • to start sleeping (e.g. How quickly do you usually ______ at night?)
    fall asleep
  • (idiom) sleep very well (e.g. I'm so tired! I'm going to ____ tonight.)
    sleep like a log
  • to breathe in a very noisy way while you are sleeping (e.g. I have to sleep in a different room because I ____ loudly.)
  • to take a deep breath with your mouth wide open, because you are tired or bored (e.g. Don't sit there and ____. If you're tired, go to bed.)
  • when something stops you from sleeping (e.g. Does my music ____? I'll turn it off.)
    keep you awake
  • to be someone who wakes up easily, e.g. from noise, light etc.
    a light sleeper
  • to walk around while you are asleep (e.g. My son _____ at night. Once, he walked downstairs and almost out of the house.)
  • the condition of being unable to sleep, over a period of time (e.g. My mother has ____. She finds it very difficult to fall asleep.)
  • sleep longer than intended (e.g. Be careful not to _____! Set an extra alarm.)
  • completely asleep (e.g. Don't wake the children! They're _____.)
    fast asleep
  • e.g. Don't forget to _____ for 6.30 a.m. tomorrow.
    set the alarm
  • bedding that keeps a person warm in bed (e.g. Do you want an extra ____ for your bed? It's cold at night.)
  • to have bad dreams (e.g. My children used to _____. They used to wake up and shout for me.)
    have nightmares
  • medicine that helps you sleep (e.g. My doctor suggested I take ____ to help me get to sleep.)
    sleeping pills
  • a large, soft, flat bag filled with feathers or artificial material used as a covering on a bed (e.g. Do you like to have a ____ or a blanket on your bed?)
  • a short sleep, especially during the day (e.g. I'm tired. I'm going to have a ____ for an hour.)
  • a large piece of thin cloth used on a bed for sleeping on or under (e.g. It's too hot to have a blanket on my bed. I'll just have a _____.)
  • tired and wanting to sleep (e.g. It's been a long day and I'm ____. I'm going to bed.)