

  •   0%
  •  0     0     0

  • 那絕對是合理的價格
    That's absolutely a reason price.
    That's definitely a reasonable price.
  • 承諾
  • 你們期待的單位價格是多少呢?
    What's the price you expect?
    What is the unit price you're expecting?
  • 討價還價
    driving a harder bargain
    driving a hard bargain
  • 那只會讓我們公司虧錢
    That would leave us nothing but loss.
    That would leave us nothing but lost.
  • 我們一開始期待的就是一個雙贏局面
    We expected a win-win solution in the beginning.
    What we're seeking, from day one, is a win-win solution.
  • 我無權在此事上做決定
    Without the right to say yes or no
    I have no right to make a right
  • 它為雙方帶來有利可圖的空間
    It creates the room for both sides to earn a profit.
    It brings a room for both side to earn a profit.
  • size of order you will place
  • 我不敢相信你竟認為此價格是行的通的
    I can't believe you consider this price doable.
    I don't believe you consider this price doable.
  • 跟老闆報告
    rebort to my boss
    resort to my boss
  • 我們承諾會訂六千個
    We'll ensure it to 6,000 units.
    We'll commit to 6,000 units.
  • 砍對半
    cut in half
  • approval
  • 貴公司的最初報價便超出我的理解範圍
    Your beginning price was over my understanding.
    Your initial quote was beyond my comprehension.
  • 訂單大小
    much of order
    amounts of the order
    size of order
  • 有了那種價格
    with that price
    with that pay
    With that offer
  • 坦白說
    frank speaking
    honestly speaking
  • 大宗商品
    big merchandise