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  • How do I get to grocery store?
  • How do I get to park?
  • How do I get to swimming pool?
  • How do I get to bank?
  • How do I get to italian restaurant?
  • How do I get to music store?
  • How do I get to drug store?
  • How do I get to public rest room?
  • How do I get to Chinese restaurant?
  • How do I get to mailbox?
  • How do I get to payphone?
  • How do I get to travel agent?
  • How do I get to chinesse restaurant?
  • How do I get to newsstand?
  • How do I get to bookstore?
  • What is opposite the bank?
    Grocery Store
  • The bookstore is on the corner of...
    Main Street and Maple Street
    Maple Street and Davis Street
    Main Street and Davis Street
  • How do I get to movie theater?
  • How do I get to bus stop?
  • How do I get to parking lot?