
Tone Words Lists THREE Application

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  • What is the tone of the passage?
  • What is the tone of this ad?
  • What is one tone word to describe this character?
  • Which tone word could describe a know-it-all at a cocktail party?
  • And the trees all died. They were orange trees. I don't know why they died, they just died. Something wrong with the soil possibly or maybe the stuff we got from the nursery wasn't the best. We complained about it.
  • I am, quite simply, the greatest and most accomplished narrator you will find in the Northern Hemisphere (I have no interest in the South).
  • Each year in the middle of February, when slush is underfoot and the sky is a depressing gray, I begin dreaming of warm beaches, tropical fruits and sunsets. If only I could save enough for a winter vacation!
  • But I feel peaceful. Your success in the ring this morning was, to a small degree, my success. Your future is assured. You will live, secure and safe, Wilbur. Nothing can harm you now.
  • What’s the matter with those idiots in the city council? First they pass new parking regulations saying we can’t park our cars in front of our own houses without a special permit.
    indignant or incredulous or scathing
  • DuPont: To be the world’s most dynamic science company, creating sustainable solutions essential to a better, safer, and healthier life for people everywhere.
  • This was the last fish we were ever to see Paul catch. My father and I talked about this moment several times later, and whatever our other feelings, we always felt it fitting that, when we saw him catch his last fish, we never saw the fish
  • The R.M.S. Titanic was cruising at 23 knots in the mid-Atlantic when it struck an iceberg and slowly sank. There were not enough lifeboats to save everyone. 1,523 people went down with the ship into icy water.
  • We have come together this afternoon to mourn the deaths of sixteen miners—our friends and neighbors—who were trapped by fire yesterday, deep below the earth.
  • The artist formerly and currently known as Prince was unimpressed with some of Michael Jackson's work. "Michael Jackson's album was only called 'Bad’ because there wasn't enough room on the sleeve for 'Pathetic.'"
  • What is the tone of the passage?