
Routines and Hobbies

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  • What's this routine/hobby?
    turn off the light
    turn off the TV
    wake up / get up
    turn off the stove
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    prepare the school bag
    get dressed
    prepare the school lunchbox
    brush my hair
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    ride a horse
    go scuba diving
    make pottery
    go camping
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    go running
    go dancing
    do yoga
    go for a walk
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    brush my hair
    lock the door
    tidy my room
    turn off the light
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    lock the door
    wash your face
    wake up / get up
    turn off the light
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    make pottery
    play video games
    have a picnic
    do handicrafts
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    do yoga
    play sports
    ride a horse
    go scuba diving
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    do puzzles
    do handicrafts
    paint / draw a picture
    have a picnic
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    do handicrafts
    do yoga
    take a photo
    paint / draw a picture
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    wash your face
    brush my hair
    wake up / get up
    do homework
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    go scuba diving
    go sailing
    do exercises
    go shopping
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    prepare the school bag
    leave the door open
    brush my hair
    leave the house
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    go sailing
    take a photo
    paint / draw a picture
    do handicrafts
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    do exercises
    do gardening
    take a photo
    have a picnic
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    brush my hair
    wake up / get up
    wash your face
    get dressed
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    do yoga
    do exercises
    go dancing
    go running
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    wear clothes
    get dressed
    wake up / get up
    prepare the school bag
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    do puzzles
    play sports
    play video games
    paint / draw a picture
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    make pottery
    do handicrafts
    go scuba diving
    ride a horse
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    have a picnic
    eating out
    clean / brush your teeth
    have breakfast / lunch / dinner
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    do exercises
    do yoga
    go shopping
    go scuba diving
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    do gardening
    do exercises
    go camping
    have a picnic
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    work at school
    do projects
    take a shower
    do homework
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    go running
    go for a walk
    play sports
    go sailing
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    go camping
    play sports
    go scuba diving
    go dancing
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    put on your shoes
    leave the house
    put on your socks
    prepare the school bag
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    take a photo
    lock the door
    have breakfast / lunch / dinner
    turn off the light
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    play sports
    do exercises
    do handicrafts
    go sailing
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    make pottery
    clean / brush your teeth
    take a shower
    brush my hair
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    get dressed
    go scuba diving
    take a shower
    wash your face
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    go running
    go shopping
    go for a walk
    have a picnic
  • What's this routine/hobby?
    go camping
    do gardening
    have a picnic
    go dancing