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  • Susan is a very good tennis player. She/play since she/be eight
    She HAS BEEN PLAYING since she WAS eight.
  • It/be two years since we/go to the cinema
    It IS / HAS BEEN since we WENT to the cinema.
  • You look exhausted. you / run?
    You look exhausted. HAVE YOU BEEN RUNNING?
  • Tim is still watching TV. He/watch TV all day
    He HAS BEEN WATCHING TV all day.
  • Somebody/eat all my chocolates. The box is empty.
    Somebody HAS EATEN all my chocolates.
  • We/play tennis for about 30 minutes when it started to rain heavily.
    We HAD BEEN PLAYING tennis...
  • Lisa/write letters all day.
    Lisa HAS BEEN WRITING letters all day.
  • Peter/not phone for ages.
    Peter HASN'T PHONED for ages.
  • LIsa/write ten letters today.
    Lisa HAS WRITTEN ten letters today.
  • When I arrived at the party, Paul/already/go home
    Paul HAD ALREADY GONE home.
  • They/play tennis three times this week.
    They HAVE PLAYED tennis three times this week.
  • I/always/live in the country.
    I HAVE ALWAYS LIVED in the country.
  • Why are your clothes so dirty? What you/do?