
SS8H8 GA_Great Depression and WWI

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  • What was Georgia's major contribution to WWI?
    Training soliders, training facilities, or military training bases
  • Citizens on the home front contributed to the war efforts and help themselves by planting these!
    Victory Gardens
  • The system that gave voting advantage to rural areas and help keep Democratic candidates in office in Georgia
    County Unit System
  • How did the Agricultural Adjustment Act of President Roosevelt's "New Deal" help Georgia's farmers?
    Farmers paid to diversify crops, plant something else, which caused the price of cotton to increase.
  • a New Deal program that hired unemployed young men to work on public works projects such as improve infastructure and create parks
    Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
  • What was FDR's special connection to Georgia?
    FDR visited Georgia often for the therapeutic waters of Warm Springs.
  • The Great Depression began with the Stock Market Crash of 1929 but was worse in Georgia due to what two events? (think Nature)
    boll weevil and severe drought
  • The tiny boll weevil destroyed millions of acres of cotton. But How? She's so tiny and cute!
    Laying eggs in cotton boll and the hatching babies eat their way through the cotton.
  • Name at least 3 causes of the Great Depression (none of which were related to natural disaster).
    The Stock Market Crash of 1929, Bank failures, Overproduction, Underconsumption
  • What Georgia governor openly opposed the New Deal Programs and resented federal government involvement in state affairs?
    Eugene Talmadge