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  • It is known that chocolate comes from___
    cocoa beans which grow on trees.
  • Chocolate is said to be ___
    a source of antioxidants
  • It is reported that ____
    it takes a year for a cocoa tree to produce 10 bars of chocolate.
  • Xocoatl is known for its _____
    bitter taste
  • Chocolate is believed to
    improve your mood.
  • White chocolate is known to contain
    only cocoa butter
  • It is believed that cocoa beans are____
    valuable fruit
  • Chocolate is said to be rich ____
    in magnesium.
  • It is reported that white chocolate____
    doesn't contain cocoa.
  • Finish the sentence using the information from the article. Remember about the passive structure of a sentence :) It is said that ____
    chocolate can relax you