
Do you agree or disagree? WHY?

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  • Personality is more important than beauty
    consider: likes and dislikes - experience - future
  • Life would be better without government or rules.
    consider: context - politics - governments - politicians - vote - etc
  • There are no such things as ghosts
    consider: beliefs - skeptic people - religion - etc
  • Global warming isn’t real
    consider: environment - natural disasters - human nature - human actions
  • Violence is sometimes necessary
    consider: background - countries - history - gender
  • The most important thing about a job is the salary
    consider: interests - motivation - tireness - stress - hours - schedule
  • Money is more important than love.
    consider: context - age - interests
  • English is easy to learn
    consider: context - native language - willingness - age - money - others
  • No job is perfect.
    consider: context - need - studies - trade
  • Men are smarter than women.
    consider: men vs women - feminism - chauvinism - machismo - genetics - articles - other