
TKT Module 1 Part 1: Learning styles match

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  • Recording voice messages on classmates’ mobile phones; receiving and responding to other students’ messages
    auditory, impulsive
  • Working alone, students fi nd example sentences in the dictionary for new items of vocabulary, and copy them into own exercise books
    individual, visual, reflective
  • Reading a graded reader at home and doing comprehension exercises
    individual, visual
  • Listening to model/own pronunciation on a website
    individual, auditory
  • Telling and listening to jokes with the teacher and whole class
    group, auditory, impulsive
  • In pairs, making the letter shape with your bodies as the teacher calls out various alphabet items one after the other
    impulsive, kinaesthetic, auditory
  • Keeping a daily journal at the end of each class
    reflective, individual
  • Creating a class newspaper with a group of friends
  • Receiving written feedback from the teacher on the content and language in a recent oral presentation
    reflective, visual, individual
  • Watching an L2 fi lm with L1 subtitles
    auditory, visual, individual
  • Making a class list of ten important spellings to learn this month
    visual, reflective, group
  • Thinking back over a task conducted in L2 to recall new or problematic language the class would like the teacher to help with
    reflective, group
  • Walking and stamping the sentence stress for a new phrase
    kinaesthetic, auditory
  • Singing and dancing to an action song, e.g. The Hokey Cokey
    kinaesthetic, auditory, group
  • Chatting on an internet website with learners from other countries
    visual, impulsive
  • Doing a treasure hunt challenge in teams around the school grounds
    kinaesthetic, group, impulsive