
The passive ( present perfect and future)

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  • We won't use paper and pens in the future.
    In the future, paper and pens won't be used
  • They haven't discovered life on other planets yet.
    Life on other planets haven't been discovered yet.
  • Have faster cars made the roads more dangerous?
    Have the roads been made more dangerous by faster cars?
  • Solar- powered cars will replace today's cars.
    Today's cars will be replaced by solar- powered cars
  • We have invested a lot of money in new technology. A lot of money
    A lot of money have been invested in new technology
  • Will computers rule our lives in the future?
    Will our lives be ruled by computers in the future?
  • Someone has bought five laptops online using my credit card
    Five laptops have been bought by someone
  • Has the invention of the internet changed society?
    Has society been changed by the invention of the internet?
  • Robots will replace teachers one day
    Teachers will be replaced by robots one day
  • A team of scientists have designed this gadget
    This gadget has been designed by a team of scientists.