
Idioms Level 3

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  • 7. time flies (Time flies during recess. What does time flies mean?)
    time seems to go quickly
  • 9. in hot water (I’m in hot water for forgetting my homework. What does in hot water mean?)
    in trouble
  • 3. wouldn't be caught dead (Matt said he wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a tutu. What does wouldn’t be caught dead mean?)
    you really don't like something or wouldn't want to be seen in that situation
  • 10. on the dot (I need to be home at 4:00 on the dot. What does on the dot mean? Notes
  • 1. arm and a leg (My new gaming system cost an arm and a leg. What does arm and a leg mean?)
    very expensive
  • 8. rip off ($2 for one candy bar is a rip off. What is a rip off?)
    cheat by charging too much money
  • 5. fed up (I’m fed up with doing homework. What does fed up mean?)
    tired of or angry about something that has gone on too long
  • 2. hit the hay (Dad said it’s time to hit the hay. What does hit the hay mean?)
    go to bed or to sleep
  • 6. big deal (Getting a principal’s award is a big deal. What does big deal mean?)
    important or special
  • 4. tip of my tongue (His name is on the tip of my tongue. What does tip of my tongue mean?)
    something you know that you know, but you just can't quite remember it