
History Abeka Test 2

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  • I was America's first president. Who am I?
    George Washington
  • interpreter:
    a person who translates from one language to another
  • Written document that told the world why America wanted to be free from England's rule
    Declaration of Independence
  • I am the American patriot who said, "Give me liberty or give me death." Who am I?
    Patrick Henry
  • America's FIRST written plan of government was:
    The Articles of Confederation
  • Who fought in the French and Indian war?
    the British and the French
  • When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
    July 4, 1776
  • The first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States is called the:
    Bill of Rights
  • plan of government for US used today:
    The Constitution
  • Patrick Henry was the governor of________________
  • George Washington's work as a surveyor helped him prepare for what?
    Being a soldier during the French and Indian War
  • What is a surveyor's job?
    to measure land and draw a map
  • I am the author of the Declaration of Independence. Who am I?
    Thomas Jefferson
  • define expedition:
    a trip taken by a group of people to explore a new place.
  • Who demanded the Bill of Rights be added to the Constitution to guarantee the freedoms Americans had fought for
    Patrick Henry
  • Which army was George Washington commander-in- chief of?
  • I was the first African-American double spy. Who am I?
    James Armistead
  • I collect information from an enemy country. What am I?
    A spy!
  • I was the third president of the United States. Who am I?
    Thomas Jefferson
  • The Declaration of Independence states that men have a right to:
    Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Hapiness.
  • Home designed by Thomas Jefferson:
  • The meeting to write a NEW plan for government and choose the first president was called the:
    Constitutional Convention
  • Mount Vernon was my home in Virginia. Who am I?
    George Washington
  • What did Thomas Jefferson suggest America use for money?
    dollar bills & coins
  • I was a lawyer who spoke out about the unfair rule of Engalnd. Who am I?
    Patrick Henry