
Theme or Main Idea?

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  • When 10 suns walked together across the sky, 9 needed to be shot down for Earth to survive.
    Main idea
  • What is the theme of The Boy Who Cried Wolf?
    If you lie, people will not trust you.
  • What the story is mostly about.
    Main idea
  • Coyote and Badger worked together to find food in a time of scarcity.
    Main idea
  • What is the theme of The Dog and the Bone?
    Be happy with what you have. / Don't envy others.
  • Tell me the main idea/a summary of How the Fifth Sun Came to Be.
    After a lot of fighting between gods left the Earth without a sun, a humble god decided to sacrifice himself to become the fifth sun.
  • Tradition is important and you should respect older people with life experience.
  • You can stay connected to your culture even if you move to a new place.
  • Money can't buy you happiness.
  • You should obey your parents.
  • It's okay to be different.
  • What is the theme of Lazy John?
    If you want something, you need to work hard for it.
  • Amada and her family immigrated to the U.S.
    Main idea
  • This is specific to the story.
    Main idea
  • Ben had everything he could ever ask for - an expensive car, the latest Playstation, beautiful toys and clothes; but he was still not happy.
    Main idea
  • Tell me the main idea/a summary of Crossing Bok Chitto.
    A Native American family becomes friends with an enslaved boy and helps him and his family escape.
  • This is not specific to the story, it can be a general life lesson.
  • Cooperation can be more helpful than competition.
  • It is a good idea to mix new ways and old ways of doing things.
  • What is the theme of The Tortoise and The Hare?
    Don't be overconfident. / Keep trying your best.
  • Jack and Jill were total opposites but they were both excellent kids.
    Main idea
  • Fatima's grandmother did not want to rely on the village's new water pump so she collected water the old way, using a baobab tree. When the pump broke, she shared her water with the villages even though they laughed at her before.
    Main idea
  • The lesson or message of the story.