
Go Getter 2. Unit 1. Don't / doesn't Practice

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  • - Minions DON'T/DOESN'T like jam.
    - Minions DON'T like jam.
  • - My cat DON'T/DOESN'T play with a ball.
    - My cat  DOESN'T play with a ball.
  • Grandma DON'T/DOESN'T play the guitar
    Grandma DOESN'T play the guitar
  • Squirrels DON'T/DOESN'T eat  sandwiches
    Squirrels DON'T/DOESN'T eat  sandwiches
  • - The rabbit DON'T/DOESN'T read a book
    - The rabbit  DOESN'T read a book
  • - They DON'T/DOESN'T do homework after school.
    - They DON'T  do homework after school.
  • The kitten DON'T/DOESN'T want to play with me.
    The kitten DOESN'T want to play with me.
  • - The children DON'T/DOESN'T  sit on a sofa.
    - The children DON'T  sit on a sofa.
  • The Spiderman  DON'T/DOESN'T climb a tree
    The Spiderman  DOESN'T climb a tree
  • Elephants DON'T/DOESN'T fly
    Elephants DON'T fly