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  • , they try to find out what really happened.
    investigate a case
  • is when somebody steals something
    theft - steal -thief thieves
  • is when somebody damages public property.
    vandalism / to vandalize/ vandal
  • is when somebody breaks into a house and steals things from it.
    burglary / to break into / burglar
  • of something, they say that they did something bad.
    accuse a suspect
  • with something, they make an official statement that they think the suspect did something bad.
    charge a suspect
  • is when somebody steals from a bank or a person.
    robbery, to rob/robber
  • , they study it in detail.
    analyse evidence
  • is when somebody takes a person’s money or possessions using violence.
    mugging, to mug/ mugger,
  • is when you trick somebody to get money or something from them.
    fraud, commit fraud, fraudster,
  • is when somebody takes things from a shop without paying.
  • they give evidence or proof that something is true.
    prove something
  • they get DNA samples or something that can help to show that somebody did something bad
    collect evidence •
  • , they take them to a police station because they think they have done something bad.
    arrest a suspect
  • is when somebody copies software such as CDs and DVDs illegally.
    piracy - to pirate, pirate
  • they ask them things.
    question a suspect