
A Christmas in Camelot

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  • Why does Jack think the guards are not the Keepers?
    They are not invisible
    They are not beyond the iron gate
    They are not joyful
    They are not playing music
  • Who was the invitation from?
    The invitation was from Merlin
  • How did Jack and Annie get past the guards?
    They used a magic cloak and make wind noises
  • Why is King Arthur angry?
    Because he sent his best knights to the otherworld and they didn't return.
  • How do the dancing knights feel in this picture?
    They feel tired and exhausted. They can't leave the circle, they can't stop dancing
  • What is the description of the Otherworld?
    A place with red and purple flowers
    Pale green meadow with warm sunlight
    Dark and cold
    A world filled with horses
  • Mordred's dark wizard cast a spell on Camelot, what spell was this?
    A spell to rob Camelot of its JOY!
  • What is the Otherworld?
    Where Camelot is located
    A Kingdom ruled by the Dark Wizard.
    A magical place near frog creek wood.
    An ancient enchanted land
  • What did the king do when his three bravest knights did not come back from the Otherworld?
    He sought help from the Dark Wizard
    He didn't leave his castle
    He turned against all magicians of Camelot.
    He banned the 3 knights from returning.