
Handling Conflicts with Friends

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  • Someone makes a mean comment about your body. What can you do?
    Walk away, tell a teacher, tell them it's not okay to make mean comments about someone's body.
  • You don't get invited to a classmate's birthday party. What is the size of this problem?
    Small, or medium! You typically don't need adult help with this, but it may feel better to tell someone how you feel.
  • You overhear someone saying something mean about another person. What is the size of this problem?
  • A classmate makes a mean comment about your skin color. What should you do?
    Tell a teacher, or stand up for yourself by saying it is not acceptable to make fun of someone's skin color.
  • Your friend wants to play with someone else at recess. What is the size of this problem?
    Small! You don't need teacher help.
  • A friend tells you not to be friends with Kylie because she's being mean. What is the size of the problem?
    Small. You can solve this yourself.
  • Someone makes a comment about what types of people you like. They may even call you a name. What is the size of the problem?
    Big! Tell the teacher.
  • A friend is saying mean things to you on Messenger Kids. There are swears. What is the size of the problem?
    Big! Tell/show an adult at home.
  • A classmate makes a mean comment about your skin color. What is the size of the problem?
    Big! Tell a teacher.
  • A friend makes fun of your clothing. What is the size of the problem?
    Medium! You may or may not need the help of a teacher.
  • You hear a rumor about someone you know liking another person. What do you do?
    Stop the rumor by not re-sharing the information. It could really upset the person the rumor is about.
  • Your friends want to play a game that you don't want to play. What is the size of this problem?
    Small! You don't need teacher help.
  • Your friends want to play a game that you don't want to play. How could you solve this problem?
    Play their game today, and ask if they can play your game tomorrow!
  • You overhear someone saying something mean about another person. How is this problem solved?
    Tell a teacher - DO NOT SPREAD THE RUMOR TO SOMEONE ELSE. This can make the problem bigger!
  • You have two close friends. You feel like those friends hang out with each other more than you. What can you do?
    Speak up for yourself, or spend time meeting new people!
  • Someone makes a comment about what types of people you like. What should you do?
    Tell a teacher. It is never okay to make comments about whether someone likes boys or girls without them telling you.
  • Your friend wants to play with someone else at recess. How can you respond?
    Ok! We can play together another time!
  • A friend makes fun of your clothing. What can you do?
    Stand up for yourself. Say that you like what you're wearing! What's on the outside isn't important.
  • Someone makes a mean comment about your body. What is the size of this problem?
    Big! Tell a teacher. It is never acceptable to make a mean comment about the way someone looks.
  • A friend tells you not to be friends with Kylie because she's being mean. What should you do?
    You can tell them that you make your own decisions. You can be friends with Kylie if you want.
  • A friend is saying mean things to you on Messenger Kids. There are swears. What should you do?
    Do not message them back. Tell or show an adult at home the messages.