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  • What are the units for this shape?
  • Are the perimeters of these two triangles the same or different?
    The same
  • What are the units for this shape?
  • How many sides does this shape have?
    6 sides
  • What is the name of this shape?
  • What is the perimeter of this shape?
    36 centimeters
  • What is the perimeter of this shape?
    24 centimeters
  • Why are the top and bottom sides the same measurement?
    They are the same length.
  • Why are the left and right side the same measurement?
    They are the same length.
  • Why do the top and bottom sides have different numbers next to them than the left and right sides?
    The top and the bottom sides are longer than the left and right side of the shape.
  • What is the perimeter of the shape and how did you find it?
    14 cm and I added all the numbers up together
  • Which sides are the same measurement?
    3cm/3cm and 2 cm/2 cm
  • What are the units for this shape?
  • How many sides does this shape have?
    6 sides
  • How would you find the missing measurement for the left side that is missing?
    Subtract 4 from 10 (10-4)
  • How many sides does this shape have?
    6 sides
  • What is the perimeter of each triangle?
  • How many sides does this shape have and what are the units?
    5 sides and centimeters
  • What are the units for this shape?
  • What is the perimeter of this shape?
    26 centimeters
  • How would you find the bottom measurement of the shape?
    By adding 5 and 3 together
  • What is the name of each shape and how many sides does each shape have?`
    Triangles and 3 sides each