
Guinness World Records

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  • What's its record?
    The loudest purr by a domestic cat.
  • What's his record?
    The longest mustache on a living person (male)
  • What's his record?
    The longest eyelash on the dog
  • What's her record?
    The heaviest weightlifting 63 kg clean & jerk (female)
  • What's her record?
    The farthest arrow shot using feet
  • What's his record?
    The fastest 5 meters on a scooter by a parrot
  • What's his record?
    The tallest hat.
  • What's his record?
    The fastest 50 m walking on hands with a football (soccer ball) between the legs
  • What's his record?
    The fastest 100 metre hurdles wearing swim fins (individual, male)
  • What's his record?
    The most selfies in 3 minutes